Saturday 27 February 2021

What's happening February 2021

I've been stuck learning 4 songs.  That is too many to be practising for a hobbyist, when they are all challenging fingerstyle arrangements. But it just happens every now and then. I hear one of my YouTube fingerstyle arrangers do something that I have to try for myself, and I get 80% of it done in a few hours.  There's the rub, the 80-20 rule, which is so true for so many aspects of life. The first 80% takes you 20% of the time, the other 20% takes you 80% of the time. With 4 songs at 80%, how can I not be playing/finishing them all at the same time?!  But that takes a lot of time!

It's actually 5 songs, but I've lost interest in one.  That's okay, you need to rest songs. A little break, you'll come back to them in due course.

Just attempted to record 3 of them, starting the video editing now.  I've been letting my patreons down - all twenty of them!  I would love to release a song once a month, but it's running about once every three months. My life is so busy. Hopefully out of the maybe 5-10 takes of each song I can put something together and get it out there.

Watch this space! :-)

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