Tuesday 22 March 2011

Hello. Welcome.

Hello and welcome to Jawmunji.com.  Why are we here?  Mostly, to organise all my Jawmunji stuff into one place!  Previously I had a blog, a website with tabs, an ftp site for mp3, videos on youtube and a site and sevenload and mojo24...well, it was silly.  So here we are, (soon to be) all in one place.  A very Googley place.

You may also notice that there are ads here.  Sold out you say?  Well, as some of my regular old blog readers would know I've talked about giving away stuff for free, and how I have had a donation page for about 4 years and well...it doesn't work.  To all my friends who have donated in the past, thank you.  Now, you don't need to.  Advertising will take care of things.  Enough that I will be able to buy new strings...and if one day a guitar manufacturer decides to give me a guitar if I promote it, well, they will be the best guitar manufacturer in the world! :)

Business as usual.  I'll be blogging, and adding new songs to youtube...but everything else goes here.  Youtube is just too big and widely used and Googley to boycott; it brings in listeners.  But here is where you get the "value add", this is where I'll put the stuff that hopefully is useful to you, or brightens up your day a bit.

It will be a while before the move is complete; in the meantime, thanks for coming!


  1. This looks like it's going to be great. I'm eager to see it finished.

  2. Ha, yeah, won't be a lot different to how it used to be, just all gathered together nicely in one spot. It's still me though, rambling on about stuff I don't fully understand... :)

  3. Good move I guess. The only thing I didn't like with blogger is the link bar on top. But it is still a minor inconvenient. I won't mind the ads. Well done!

  4. Hmm, I had a look and they didn't make it easy to remove, so I've left it there, but a lot less obtrusive. Glad you could make it R!

  5. I am a first time commenter. I wanted to thank you for the time and effort that you have put into posting your videos and especially the tabs. I have been following you for several years now and I wanted to tell you that you have been a great inspiration to me.
    I began playing the guitar when I was a teenager many years ago before the internet and lost interest because I had no one to teach me. Four years ago I began playing again and sometime after that I found you on YouTube and have been following you ever since.
    The new blog site looks great. Good idea to have everything in one location. Easier to find what you want this way.
    I have enjoyed reading your articles and find them very informative.
    Thanks to you my guitar playing has improved dramatically.
    Please keep up the good work.

  6. Welcome Ed, and thanks for stopping by! I know what you are saying about the old days and the news days of the internet. It was through the discovery of the like of Tommy Emmanuel, Michael Chapdelaine and my guitar hero Naudo on youtube that really resparked my interest in guitar, and showed me so many new things that I'd never thought of before.

    Now...you know what I'm going to say...record a video, post it to youtube, and send me a link! It is good for you :)

  7. Hi JAW - As Ed above, I'm new here too, just stumbled over your interpretation of Pahcelbel's Canon in D - it blew me away, thanks for posting. Working on getting my fingering and flow working fluently. Didn't care much for classical stuff - but have to admit - some of it is just great. Question - have you ever looked into - or tried some of the Ragtime stuff?
    If so, would you try out Calliope Rag - sounds pretty good on guitar.
    Thanks in advance.

  8. Hi GP, glad you could make it :) I'm detecting from my polls that there are a lot of players coming here with an interest in classical stuff. I'm not sure if that means it's classical players in search of something popier/rockier - or rock players searching for something more classical!

    I do have a soft spot for ragtime, and I've seen some other fingerstylers do great interpretations. But, like classical, it's mostly complex melody structure leading to quite challenging playing...time is not my friend, so I'm currently going for the low hanging fruit at the moment - crowd pleasing simple old rock and pop!

    One day, when time permits, I will revisit more classical stuff and other pieces that have more than 3 chords :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Hi Jaw, Just wanted to thank you for putting all of this stuff up here. Great blog, loads of work.
    Thanks again Keith
