Friday 4 March 2016

Shine with three point lighting

Heh, I had to giggle at that title.

I recorded a video tutorial on a song I'm working on, Collective Soul "Shine". I can play it well enough to do a tutorial. I also recorded it using my new three point lighting system that I purchased from ebay late last year for around $AUD150 (2015). I had been looking for an excuse to use it. All my videos for too long have had bad lighting. Well no more!

Definitely an improvement, but more learning required. Firstly, don't position the light so that it reflects off the guitar into the camera. Try not to have such a blotchy red face. Don't illuminate the solar panel on top of my head too much. Oh well, can't help much of that. Makeup? Nah, that's going too far.

Here's a photo of my set up. In a room currently full of junk, I was using a backdrop but it wasn't flat enough and was catching shadows so I stuck with the wall. Things to note:

  • Rear upper light
  • Key light (brighter) on my left as I sat
  • Fill light on my right (dimmer).
  • Camera in front of me and a mirror behind it (camera doesn't have a forward LCD).
  • Zoom H1 mic on small grey tripod. 
  • Dog wondering what I was doing.

Now as for the video, I've kept it shorter than my usual waffle and just got on with it. Enjoy some gen-u-ine Aussie accent. Look it's a great song, give it a crack. Why have I hit the grunge? Dunno, but it is the second grunge song I've done recently.

Here's the video, tab in ASCII follows. I will post the pdf when I get the song recorded for real. Enjoy!







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